Thursday, March 8, 2007

Pretty things along the waterway

I really don't care for the waterway even though I do appreciate it's existence.
But every once in a while I see some things that makes me realize just how remote and beautiful some of this river is. You don't see this stuff often.
The top picture is an eagle soaking his feet on the beach.
The other two were taken early one morning when the light was just right and there wasn't a breath of wind which made for a beautiful reflection on the water.

Click on the images and they will enlarge.


Janie said...

Hi Bob, Mel, Sadie and Radar! What a great journal of your trip! We'll be keeping track of you via your posts for sure. We hope to begin our trip south about March 19...Janie & Mike

Istaboa said...

Thanks Janie... Let us know your whereabouts after you leave. Maybe we can hook up somewhere.
My Brother in law and his wife are heading down the TennTom about the same time.
NoMoYdWk is the name of the boat.
I bet your enjoying your new toy!!